6-Year-Old Hongcheon Ginseng

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  4. 6-Year-Old Hongcheon Ginseng

Distinctive Features

6-Year-Old Hongcheon Ginseng

Ginseng is known as a medicinal plant that saves human lives because it is shaped like a human. Ginseng contains 9 effective medicinal substances including amino acids and vitamins, and experts are still working to uncover the mysterious medical effects of ginseng. You will be able to experience for yourself the wide and deep effects of ginseng, ranging from improving weak physical constitution to anti-cancer effects, with the 6 year old Hongchan ginseng root which has the power to help men lead healthy lives.

Ginseng Cultivation Status

  • Area of cultivation : 325ha (30% of the entire area of cultivation in Gangwon-do)
  • Main product : 6 year old root

Permanent store operated (Gangwon Ginseng Co-op)

  • Articles for sale : Red ginseng, white ginseng, taeguk ginseng, fresh ginseng, root hair of ginseng, other agricultural products
  • Inquiries related to sales : Gangwon Ginseng Co-op / TEL : +82-33-435-3434, 435-3433 / FAX : +82-33-435-3437