Gourmet Tour

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Hongcheon River
A pleasant family trip

Wild Vegetable Bibimbap

Wild Vegetable Bibimbap
Wild Vegetable Bibimbap

Natural Wild Vegetables : Aster scaber, eolleoji, ragwort, castor aralia shoots, deodeokchwi, aster tataricus, Asian royal fern, short-fruit pimpinella (10-15g each) Korean chili paste, Korean native perilla oil, soy sauce


Pickled ragwort, aster scaber, victory onion leaves, Japanese angelica shoots, seasoned ixeridium dentatum, etc. This is a place where you can find all types of wild vegetables and side dishes that you cannot find in the city. Wild vegetables are found by collecting edible plants that grow naturally throughout the mountains and fields. Wild Vegetable Bibimbap is a low-pollution health supplement that is very popular. Pickled victory onion leaves that can only be found here are very nutritious and have an anti-bacterial effect that prevents food poisoning. It is a food that is worth recommending as it was recently found to be effective in combatting geriatric diseases as well. In addition to pickled victory onion leaves, a range of pickled vegetables including pickled ragwort and pickled Korean daisy stimulate the appetite while not being too salty. Wild vegetables are not only good for a range of adult diseases but also are rich in nutrition. They are easy to digest and can be easily enjoyed by anyone. Add a variety of wild vegetables on top of steamed rice and gently mix in Korean chili paste and nutty and fragrant perilla oil. After finishing this bowl of delight, it feels like all the unhealthy oil has been washed away from inside the stomach.