Gourmet Tour

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A pleasant family trip

Potato Ball Soup

Potato Ball Soup Six large potatoes, 1/4 zucchini, 1/4 carrot, a pinch of salt
Potato Ball Soup
  1. Grate potatoes and wrap the grated potatoes in hemp cloth. Let the juice sit so that the starch gathers on the bottom.
  2. Cut half a potato into half moon shapes, and cut the zucchinis and carrots into strips.
  3. Mix the starch and the solid potato from Step 1 to make the potato balls.
  4. Mix clear water and the potato juice at a ratio of 1:1 to make broth. Put the potato balls in the pan and cook.


The potato balls are made purely from potatoes without adding anything else in. The broth used to cook the potato balls is potato juice. The potato juice produces a clean and simple potato flavor. Potato ball soup is a delicacy that mothers would to cook a lot during summer when potatoes are in season. Those who miss their mother’s comfort food, or people who are tired of sweet, spicy, and salty modern food will be able to regain their old taste buds with just one bowl of potato ball soup.