Gourmet Tour

The pride of Hongcheon representing Hongcheon

the symbol of Hongcheon
Hongcheon River
Auto Camping Site
Hongcheon Rice
with Luxury in Hongcheon
Hongcheon River
A pleasant family trip

Buckwheat Jelly

Buckwheat Jelly Whole buckwheat, kimchi, a range of sauces
Buckwheat Jelly
  1. Grind buckwheat using a millstone and then put it in a sack to filter.
  2. Stir and simmer gently on low heat.
  3. After it boils for a while, reduce the heat. Let it sit for 10 minutes.
  4. Put it in a bowl and let it cool down.
  5. Cut fermented kimchi into bite sizes and mix it with green onion + garlic + Korean chili pepper powder + sesame oil.


Unpeeled whole buckwheat is used so it is dark in color, but the nutty flavor is excellent. Buckwheat is a starch crop, yet is high in protein content. It also has a great nutritional value as well as good flavor as it is rich vitamins and nicotinic acid. In addition, it has a good digestion rate. It is gentle on the stomach even after eating as much as you want. It is a food that you can eat without having to worry about gaining weight. It is also rich in fiber, contains rutin, and functions as anthelmintic and depressant.